
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

COMELEC Resolution No. 8646 (2)

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January 08, 2010 (FRI) Last day to appoint members of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs), subject to changes on account of shortage of teachers and disqualifications due to relationships to candidates (Sec. 164, OEC in relation to Sec. 31, RA 8189)

Last day to constitute members of SBRCGs, SBEIs and SBOCs. (Sec 29, RA 6646 and Sec. 28, RA 8436)
January 10, 2010 (SUN) Last day to prepare and update the CLOAV and furnish copies to the Philippine embassies, consulates and other foreign service establishments abroad. (Sec. 31, Comelec Resolution No. 8458 dated May 20, 2008)  
January 10, 2010 (SUN) to June 09, 2010 (WED) ELECTION PERIOD Alteration of territory of a precinct or establishment of a new precinct. (Sec. 5, R.A. 8189)
January 10, 2010 (SUN) to June 09, 2010 (WED) ELECTION PERIOD Bearing, carrying or transporting firearms or other deadly weapons in public places. Building, street, park, private vehicle or public conveyance, even if licensed to possess or carry the same, unless authorized in writing by the Commission. (Sec. 261 (p) (q) (r) and (s), OEC as amended by Sec. 32, R.A. 7166)

Suspension of elective local officials (Sec. 261 (x), OEC)

Transfer of officers and employees in the civil service (Sec. 261 (h), OEC)

Organization or maintenance of reaction forces, strike forces or other similar forces (Sec. 261 (u), OEC)

Use of security personnel or bodyguards by candidates, whether or not such bodyguards are regular members of the AFP or other law enforcement agency. (Sec. 261 (t) OEC as amended by Sec. 33, RA 7166)
February 09, 2010 (TUE)) Posting of the Certified List of Voters (Local Registry)
February 09, 2010 (TUE) to May 08, 2010 (SAT) Campaign period for candidates for President, Vice-President, Senators. (Sec. 5 (a) RA 7166)

Campaign period for party-list groups participating in the party-list system of representation. (Sec. 4, RA 7941)
February 09, 2010 (TUE) to May 10, 2010 (MON)   Giving donations or gift in cash or in kind, etc. (Sec. 104, OEC)

Use of armored landcraft, watercraft or aircraft (Sec. 261 (r), OEC)
February 09, 2010 (TUE) to May 10, 2010 (MON)   Appointment or use of special policemen, confidential agents or the like (Sec. 261 (m), OEC)

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