
Monday, February 22, 2010

VOTER REGISTRATION in the ARMM for the August 8 ARMM Elections - Part 4

SEC. 12. Procedure for filing of applications for reactivation. – Any registered voter whose registration has been deactivated based on any of the grounds provided under Section 27 of Republic Act No. 8189 and those deactivated in the last continuing registration of voters may apply for reactivation of his registration records by personally accomplishing in three (3) copies, both sides of the prescribed application form hereto attached as Annex “I” (CEF-1C – Application for Reactivation).

The EO shall verify in his local database the record of the applicant, using the VRS program.  The EO shall use the old application form number of the applicant and direct the applicant to the VRM Operator.

a)   If the record has complete biometrics, i.e. it has photograph, fingerprints and signature, using the VRS, the VRM operator shall:

1.   Select File -> Other Application-> List of Records
2.   Type the last name and/or first name and/or maternal name in the space provided and click SEARCH button
3.   Right-click the record of the applicant and select REACTIVATION from the list of application type
4.   Save the record

Attached are the screen shots of the procedure for reactivation (without biometrics capture) hereto designated as Annex “J”.

After the ERB approval, the applicant’s record shall be reactivated in the city/municipality local database.

b) If the record has incomplete biometrics, i.e. any of the biometrics is not present, using the VRS, the VRM operator shall:

1.   Select File -> Other Application-> List of Records
2.   Type the last name and/or first name and/or maternal name in the space provided and click SEARCH button
3.   Right-click the record of the applicant and click REACTIVATION WITH BIOMETRICS CAPTURE from the list of application type
4.   Capture the biometric information of the applicant
5.   Save the record

Attached are the screen shots of the procedure for reactivation with biometrics capture hereto designated as Annex “K”.

After the ERB approval, the old record of the applicant shall contain biometrics data and shall be reactivated.

After completion thereof, the EO shall cut the bottom portion of one copy of the application form and give it to the applicant to serve as Acknowledgment Receipt and proof of filing his application.

SEC. 13. Procedure for filing of applications for change of name by reason of marriage, or court order or order by the Civil Registrar or Consul General. - Any registered voter whose name has been changed by reason of marriage or court order or by order of the Civil Registrar or Consul General may file an application for change of name by personally accomplishing three (3) copies of the application form hereto attached as Annex “L” (CEF-1D – Application for Change).  It is important that the EO shall check the box corresponding to the appropriate type of application.

In support of the application, the applicant shall submit a certification by the marriage solemnizing officer (for Muslims) or a certified true copy of the marriage contract or court order, or order by the Civil Registrar or Consul General, as the case may be.

This may also be availed of in cases where the marriage of a female registered voter has been annulled or declared a nullity by competent court, in which case the affected voter who previously registered using her husband’s surname, may request to change her name, i.e. to revert to use of her maiden surname and change of signature.  To support her request, the applicant shall attach a certified true copy of the Court’s final ORDER/DECISION, annulling the marriage or declaring the marriage a nullity.

The EO shall verify in his local database the record of the applicant, using the VRS program.  The EO shall use the old application form number of the applicant and direct the applicant to the VRM Operator.  Using the VRS, the VRM Operator shall:
  1. Select File -> Other Application -> List of Records
  2. Type the last name and/or first name and/or maternal name in the space provided and then click SEARCH button
  3. Right-click the record of the applicant and select CORRECTION OF ENTRIES from the list of application type
  4. Edit the entries for correction
  5. Save the record
Attached are the screen shots of the procedure for correction of entries (without biometrics capture ) hereto designated as Annex “M”.

After the ERB approval, the change of name requested shall be effected.

SEC. 14. Procedure for filing of applications for correction of entry/entries in the registration records. – A registered voter whose registration record in the precinct book of voters or certified list of voters contains erroneous entries, including wrong or misspelled name, birth date, birth place or typographical errors, may request for its correction. In support thereof, he shall attach thereto the court order (birth date) or an order of the Civil Registrar (name), or any evidence that may warrant its correction.

The registered voter shall file an application for correction of entry/entries in the registration record by personally accomplishing three (3) copies of the application form hereto attached Annex “L” (CEF-1D – Application for Correction of Entries).  After completion thereof, the EO shall retain the same, cut the bottom portion of one copy of the application form and give it to the applicant to serve as Acknowledgment Receipt and proof of filing his application.  It is important that the EO shall check the box corresponding to the appropriate type of application.

The EO shall verify in his local database the record of the applicant, using the VRS program. The EO shall use the old application form number of the applicant and direct the applicant to the VRM Operator. Using the VRS, the VRM Operator shall:
  1. Select File -> Other Application -> List of Records
  2. Type the last name and/or first name and/or maternal name in the space provided and click SEARCH button
  3. Right-click the record of the applicant in the list then select CORRECTION OF ENTRIES WITH BIOMETRIC CAPTURE
  4. Edit the entries for correction
  5. Save the record
Attached are the screen shots of the procedure for correction of entries with biometrics capture hereto designated as Annex “N”.

After the ERB approval, the correction of entry/entries shall be indicated in his record.

Sec. 15. Procedure for filing of applications for reinstatement of registered voter whose name has been omitted in the list of voters. – Any registered voter whose name has not been included or has been omitted in the precinct certified list of voters may file with the ERB through the Office of the Election Officer, an application for reinstatement.  For this purpose, he shall personally accomplish in three (3) copies the application form hereto attached as Annex “L” (CEF-1D – Application for Change/Correction of Entries/ and Inclusion/Reinstatement of Record in the List of Voters).  It is important that the EO shall check the box corresponding to the appropriate type of application.

The EO shall verify whether the applicant has record with biometric in the VRM.  

If the verification result is in the affirmative, the EO shall use the old application form number.  However, if he has none, the EO shall issue a new application form number and direct the applicant to the VRM operator for demographics and biometrics data capture.  The VRM operator shall perform the procedure for capturing demographics and biometrics as stated in Section 7(i) hereof.  Thereafter, he shall affix his initial below the space provided for the EO’s signature in Part 2 of the application form.

If it is denied or not acted upon, he may file on any date within the prescribed period herein provided with the proper Municipal Circuit, Municipal or Metropolitan Trial Court a petition for an order directing that his name be entered in the list.  He shall attach to the petition a certified copy of his registration record or identification card or the entry of his name in the certified list of voters used in the preceding election, together with proof that his application was denied or not acted upon by the ERB and that he has served notice to the ERB.

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