
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

VOTER REGISTRATION in the ARMM for the August 8 ARMM Elections - Part 6

SEC. 22. Approval or disapproval of applications. - The ERB of the city/municipality shall hear the applications and, by majority vote, approve or disapprove the same in accordance with the schedule provided in Section 2 hereof.  Should one day be insufficient for the proceeding of all accepted applications, the ERB shall meet daily until all applications shall have been processed, but not beyond three (3) days, and subject to the following guidelines:

Number of Applications
Number of day(s) ERB Hearing
Less 1,000
One (1)
1,000 up to 2,000
Two (2)
Above 2,000
Three (3)

If the ERB disapproves the application, the applicant shall be furnished with a certificate of disapproval stating the ground(s) therefor.

After meeting, the ERB shall prepare in Six (6) copies the Minutes of the Proceedings which include, among others, the following:
  1. Number of all applicants submitted to the Board for consideration;
  2. List of applicants whose application for registration/transfer (within and from outside)/deactivation/correction of entries/ change of name/reactivation/inclusion/reinstatement of record, was approved or disapproved by the Board indicating the application number opposite their names.
The EO concerned shall, within five (5) days from the last day of hearing of the ERB, distribute copies of the Minutes to the following:
  1. Two (2) copies to the Office of the Provincial Election Supervisor (OPES), which shall retain one copy and send the other copy to the Registration Division, EBAD;
  2. One (1) copy each to the representatives of the Dominant Majority Party and the Dominant Minority Party;
  3. One (1) copy shall be posted in the Bulletin Board of his Office; and
  4. Retain copy for his file
Failure to comply with the requirements of the two (2) preceding paragraphs shall be ground for disciplinary action and withholding of benefits granted by the Commission.

SEC. 23. Publication of Action on Application. – Immediately within five (5) days from approval or disapproval of applications, the ERB shall post notices in the bulletin boards of the municipal/city hall and in the office of the EO, stating the names and addresses of the applicants, the dates of the applications and the actions taken thereon.  The EO shall serve a copy of the notice either personally or by registered mail or special delivery, to the local heads or representatives of registered political parties in the city/ municipality.

SEC. 24. Petition for Inclusion of Voters in the List. – Any person whose application for registration has been disapproved by the ERB or whose name has been stricken out from the list may file with the court a petition to include his name in the permanent list of voters in his precinct at any time but not later than April 29, 2011. It shall be supported by a certificate of disapproval of his application and proof of service of notice of his petition upon the ERB. The petition shall be decided within fifteen (15) days after its filing.

If the decision is for the inclusion of the voters’ name in the permanent list of voters, the ERB shall place the application for registration previously disapproved in the corresponding book of voters and indicate in the application for registration the date of the order of inclusion and the court which issued the same.

SEC. 25. Petition for Exclusion of Voters from the List. – Any registered voter, representative of a political party or the EO, may file with the court a sworn petition for the exclusion of a voter from the permanent list of voters giving the name, address and the precinct of the challenged voter at any time but not later than May 4, 2011.  The petition shall be accompanied by proof of notice to the ERB and to the challenged voter and shall be decided within ten (10) days from its filing.

If the decision is for the exclusion of the voter’s name from the list, the ERB shall upon receipt of the final decision and remove the voter’s registration record from the corresponding book of voters, enter the order of exclusion therein and place the record in the inactive file.

SEC. 26. Disposition of applications for registration, transfer of registration records, reactivation, inclusion/reinstatement or record, change of name, correction of entry/entries and the compact discs (VRS). -

a) On a daily basis, the EO shall:
1.   Gather all accomplished application forms and compact discs (CDs) from the VRM Operator.
2.   Compile all accomplished forms per barangay and by precinct, arrange the application forms alphabetically by surname;
3.   Generate a list of those who applied for registration or transfer of registration for the day, and other applications using the VRS Program. Said list shall be posted in the bulletin board of the city/municipality and in the Office of the Election Officer.
4.   Prepare a report regarding the occurrence of any untoward incident during the day and action taken thereon. For this purpose, each EO shall indicate in his journal any important occurrence and incident during the registration days; and
5.   Store the application forms, CDs, other forms and supplies in a safe and secure place. CDs that are not yet full or not have been finalized shall be used in the succeeding registration day.
b) At the end of the registration period, the EO shall:
1.   Generate Statistical Report on the number of applicants per application type.
2.   Submit to the ERB all applications received including the list of applicants and Statistical Report for action.
3.   Segregate all approved applications as follows:
a.   The first copy shall remain with the Election Officer;
b.   The second copy together with the Minutes of the Proceedings to the OPES; and
c.   The third copy to the National Central File Division.
All disapproved applications shall remain in the custody of the Election Officer.
4.   Finalize CD and back-up file document.mdb or comelec.(myi, myd and frm). The back-up of the document.mdb or comelec.(myi, myd and frm) shall contain only records approved by the ERB.
5.   Execute the CONSOLIDATION function.
6.   Extract records of all approved applications filed during the registration period.
7.   Transmit electronically the extracted records to ITD within five (5) days after the ERB hearing.

SEC. 27. Role of the Regional and Assistant Regional Election Director and Provincial Election Supervisor. – The RED, ARED and PES shall ensure compliance of the EO’s timely submission of all the required reports and shall be held directly responsible for non-compliance within the period herein provided.

SEC. 28. Off-site Verification Teams. - The Election and Barangay Affairs Department and Information Technology Department shall deploy personnel in the Five (5) provinces of ARMM, from April 14 to 16, 2011, who shall be responsible for the checking and gathering of the following reports:
  1. Consolidated Quarterly Progress Report;
  2. Project of Precincts for the August 8, 2011 ARMM Elections;
  3. List of applicants whose applications were approved or disapproved by the ERB, indicating the application number opposite their names;
  4. Report on the number of deleted double/multiple registrants based on AFIS results; and
  5. SNPDAT or soft copy of the voters’ database.
SEC. 29. Applicability of other resolutions of the Commission. – The provisions of Res. No. 2904 (Rules and Regulations Governing the General Registration of Voters and the System of Continuing Registration of Voters) and other Resolutions of the Commission insofar as applicable and when not inconsistent herewith, shall apply in the registration of voters.

SEC. 30. Effectivity. – This Resolution shall take effect seven (7) days after its publication. The Education and Information Department (EID) is hereby directed to cause the widest dissemination of this Resolution and its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines and two (2) local newspapers of circulation within the ARMM area.

Let the Office of the Executive Director implement this Resolution.



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