
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Guidelines for the Continuing Voter Registration (6)

SEC. 6. Application sans biometrics. – The application form of an applicant who fails to submit himself for the live capture of his biometrics data for cause/s attributable to his own fault shall be deemed incomplete and not filed.  As such, the application shall be disapproved for failure to complete the requirements.

In the event that the allocated Data Capture Machine (DCM) becomes defective or the biometrics data of the applicant cannot be captured within the registration period due to the great volume of applicants, absence of electricity/alternative power source and analogous cases, the Election Officer shall receive the application and inform the applicant when to return for data capture.  The Election Officers and their Assistants are authorized to accomplish the data capture not later than August 19, 2010.  If the biometrics data capture cannot be accomplished within the said period without fault of the applicant, the application shall be submitted to ERB for Hearing.

The CVL technicians shall certify as to the fact of DCM and its peripherals malfunction to be confirmed by the Provincial Election Supervisors, who shall report the matter to the Information Technology Department.

Further, in cases where any of the DCM peripherals become defective, such that the registration procedures cannot be completed, the Provincial Election Supervisors shall be allowed to make the necessary arrangements with the concerned Election Officers under his jurisdiction to devise a scheduling system for the sharing of the working DCM peripherals with nearby cities or municipalities until such time that the defective peripherals shall be replaced with working units. This sharing mechanism shall be limited to two cities and/or municipalities.

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