
Friday, June 22, 2012

Resolution No. 9475 - Guidelines for 2012 ARMM General Registration of Voters


WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Commission to establish a clean, complete, permanent, and updated list of voters through the adoption of biometrics technology (digital photograph, fingerprints and signature) using the Voter Registration Machines (VRMs) in the registration process;

WHEREAS, Joint Resolution No. 3 of the Congress of the Philippines, approved on June 11, 2012, provides for the annulment of all books of voters in the cities/municipalities in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and directs the Commission on Elections (Commission) to immediately conduct a general registration of voters in said region; and

WHEREAS, in order to register all qualified voters in the ARMM within the ten (10) day registration period set on July 9 to 18, 2012, augmentation COMELEC personnel from the non-ARMM regions shall man the Registration Centers (RCs) to be established for the purpose.

NOW THEREFORE, the Commission on Elections, by virtue of the powers vested in it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Joint Resolution No. 3, Republic Act No. 8189 and other related laws, RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to promulgate the following rules and regulations in the conduct of General Registration of Voters in all cities and municipalities in the provinces of ARMM.

SECTION 1. Coverage. - All qualified voters in all cities and municipalities in the five (5) provinces comprising the ARMM shall register at the Office of the Election Officer (OEO) or at the RCs designated by the Commission.  Approved applications filed between March 5, 2012 up to March 31, 2012 is hereby annulled while those filed from April 2, 2012 to June 4, 2012 shall be considered deemed not filed.

Sec. 2. Registration Centers. - The Voting Centers used in the October 25, 2010 Barangay Elections shall be established as RCs with at least one (1) VRM per RC.  However, if the allocation of VRMs in a particular city/municipality is not enough to cover all its voting centers, the Election and Barangay Affairs Department (EBAD) shall evaluate and make the necessary adjustments on which barangays comprising the voting center(s) to be clustered/grouped in the RCs, taking into consideration the following guidelines:
  1. The territories of the barangays to be accommodated by the RCs must be compact, contiguous and adjacent to each other;
  2. The total number of registered voters in the barangays to be clustered as of April 8, 2011 Election Registration Board (ERB) Hearing, as far as practicable shall be more or less 1,700; and
  3. RIDO or family feuds and other security issues.

Thereafter, any changes in the clustering/grouping of RCs shall be approved by the designated Commissioner-in-Charge (CIC) for each of the five (5) provinces in ARMM.

For purposes of the conduct of general registration, notices of the name, location and area of jurisdiction of RCs shall be posted at the bulletin boards of the OEO and city/municipal hall, copy furnish the local representatives of political parties and citizens arm not later than July 2, 2012.

Sec. 3. Deployment of VRMs and Personnel. - There shall be Augmentation Election Officers (AEOs)/interviewers and VRM Operators from the Non-ARMM areas who shall be deployed in the different RCs.

In addition to the resident Election Officer (EO), the AEOs/Interviewers are hereby designated as Acting Election Officers of the city/municipality where they will be assigned.

The Commission shall deploy the required number of VRMs in the designated RCs in every city/municipality in the provinces of ARMM.

In the event that the new VRMs will not be delivered on time before the actual deployment of AEOs and VRM Operators, VRMs that will be used shall be pulled out or outsourced from non-ARMM regions.

In case the newly purchased VRMs will be delivered while registration is already going on, the AEOs shall set aside the pulled out VRMs and use the new ones.  The AEO shall then configure the new VRM with his assigned city/municipality code following the steps below:

        1. Click Adminstration > Configuration
        2. In the data grid, double-click the row that you want to be changed
        3. To edit configuration, change the following Configuration ID:
               Configuration ID: 1
               Configuration ID: 2
               Configuration ID: 3
               Configuration ID: 4
        4. Wait for the confirmation message "DCS Configuration
               Successfully Edited Configuration ID: 1"

Attached is the screen shot of the configuration procedure hereto designated as Annex "A".

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1 comment:

  1. It is important that we all know the best rules and regulations in registering for voters. Election is not the easy way in voting because we must assured to be an independent in our votes. Thanks for this very informative blogs you’ve shared.

    Greg | Philippine Election
