SEC. 3. Date, time and place of filing of applications; hearing and approval/disapproval. –
Applications for registration, transfer of registration records, reactivation and changes/corrections of entries in the registration records/inclusion of registration records/ reinstatement of name in the list of voters shall be personally filed at the Office of the Election Officer (OEO) of the district/city/municipality where the applicant resides from Mondays to Sundays, from 8:00 o’clock in the morning to 7:00 o’clock in the evening. The applications shall be heard by the Election Registration Board (ERB) at the OEO, in accordance with the following schedule:
Period to file applications
Last day to post Notice of Hearing
Last day to file opposition to the applications for registration/transfer of registration records
Hearing/ Approval/ Disapproval of Applications
August 4, 2010 to August 13, 2010*
August 16, 2010
August 18, 2010
August 20, 2010
[*as amended by COMELEC Res. No. 9007, promulgated July 24, 2010]
The Election Officer (EO) shall adopt a system of processing applications to speed up the registration process, minimize queuing and, avoid inconvenience. Preferential treatment or express lane shall be provided to the elderly, persons with disability, and pregnant women.
In the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), the Provincial Election Supervisors shall, upon the report of the Election Officers, taking into account the existence of Ridos (family feuds) between and among families residing in different barangays or the lack of a municipal hall or where the house of the Mayor serves as the Municipal Hall, recommend the transfer of venue or the establishment of sub-offices for purposes of registration, preferably in areas accessible to all prospective voters and/or within the same office/compound of other government offices, which shall be within the same municipality.
Notices of the location of the sub-office and date of registration shall be posted in five (5) conspicuous places of the municipality and the concerned barangays and furnished to the Election and Barangay Affairs Department (EBAD).
No transfer of venue or establishment of sub-offices shall be made without the approval of the Commission En Banc.
Further, there shall be no satellite registration in the non-ARMM areas.
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